Large specimens attain considerable bulk and may weigh 40-50 pounds. The head is very distinct from the neck the body is laterally compressed the tail is long and strongly prehensile. Size: This is a relatively slender elongate snake. The common boa has an extensive distribution in nature and many geographic names have come to be used to refer to this subspecies, including Mexican boa, Sonoran desert boa, Yucatan boa, Central American boa, El Salvador boa, Nicaraguan boa, Panamanian boa, Honduran boa, Hog Island boa, Corn Island boa, and Colombian boa. In fact many common boa constrictors do have a red tail, distinctly different in color than the rest of the body however, the common name of "red-tailed boa" is also commonly applied to the South American boa constrictor, Boa constrictor constrictor, which typically has an even redder tail. There are in use a variety of different names all referring to this subspecies, including simply "boa constrictor." This form of boa may be referred to as the pet store boa constrictor, redtail boa, Colombian redtail boa, pet store redtail, and red-tailed boa constrictor.

Other common names: This is the boa subspecies most often encountered in captivity. Scientific name: Boa constrictor imperator